At Robertson’s Flowers, we’re well-versed in all the ways that people give flowers to each other. We’ve seen last-minute splurges on roses and fielded carefully customized bouquets planned weeks in advance. There are many occasions that call for flowers, and many imaginative approaches to giving them, but one of our favorites is Flowers For A Year, which is exactly what it sounds like. A fresh, seasonal bouquet delivered every month to your recipient’s doorstep – a literal year filled with flowers.
We love how this idea combines the usual thrill at receiving flowers with the promise that there’s more to come, which is exactly what the card accompanying the first delivery will indicate. Essentially, the giftee gets to experience the inherent surprise and delight over a delivery of fresh blooms 12 times, all the while looking forward to the next. Imagine sending something likeĀ Vivid Dreams to kick things off, and setting the expectation that 11 more gorgeous bouquets showcasing the season’s best buds are up next.
We often use the expression “the gift that keeps on giving,” but in this case, it’s true. And if you prefer, we offer flowers for three or six months, too. If there’s one way to guarantee that your loved one feels special all year long, it’s a monthly flower delivery such as this one. There’s no better way to start the New Year.